Nothing brings more pride for a sister than to tell the story of how Alpha Sigma Rho started at the University of Georgia at Athens. Based on the principles of sisterhood, cultural diversity, and Asian-interest, the founding members of Alpha Sigma Rho came together in the fall semester of 1998 at University of Georgia at Athens. They realized the need for Asian unity and a stronger voice within the campus and surrounding community. These twelve women endeavored to create an Asian-interest sorority, which would become the first in the state of Georgia. This task was faced with enormous challenges and difficulty. Having researched several sororities across the nation, ASR founders felt that their unique goals and ideals were not well-represented within the existing sororities. These ladies believed that a sorority should exist primarily to breach the barriers between separate cultural backgrounds, thereby promoting a sisterhood based on mutual respect and appreciation. They strongly believed that strength comes from the unity of all Asian students on campus.
Their attempt of establishing an Asian-interest sorority in Georgia was met with skeptical attitude and doubts from the University and the community. It is no secret that prejudice exists in America and no state's history showcases that prejudice better than Georgia, where America Civil Right Movement started. However, our founders, Irene Chien, Young Jeon, Juliette Taylor, Jessica Yoo, Suzanne Yoo, and Jasmine Yu, Sandra Chu, Debbie Kwon, Angela Lu, Lynn Nguyen, Anne See, and Anna Suh continued to persevere. Through determination, this group of extraordinary women was able to overcome the difficulties by providing a solution to address the concerns of the Asian student body. They set out to give a voice for the Asian-American community in the University; thus the creation of Alpha Sigma Rho, Inc. to represent Asian women.
Since its founding, Alpha Sigma Rho has expanded across states and has presence in Texas, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Ohio. Today, as we continue to grow, Alpha Sigma Rho still remembers the belief that our organization is founded upon and continues to promote sisterhood, cultural diversity and Asian-interest. Above all else, we find our strength in unity.

Fraternity is an integrated part of the American college systems. Its roots trace back to ancient Roman and Greek, from which our country’s idea of democracy originate. The first collegiate fraternal organization was established in 1776 and since then collegiate fraternities have flourished and became an integrated part of American college students’ lives. The fraternal experience often promotes friendship, scholarship and leadership. The relationships form through fraternal organization last a lifetime and will forever change the college experience. We, as sisters of Alpha Sigma Rho, invite you to discover this experience for yourself and see the best that our organization offers.